Monday, October 27, 2008


Republicanism is exhausted—fatigue reflected by old, small or no ideas when it comes to solutions for our problems. John McCain—his experience mostly irrelevant in today’s world--embodies that weariness and represents decline—the continuation of vacuity. His lack of intellectual vigor, erratic leadership, poor judgment (Palin) and demagoguery exemplify a shadowy and narrow Republicanism with a distorted view of reality.

Gareth Morgan’s discussion of Plato’s Cave in his book Images of Organizations illuminates the challenge Republicans face if they want to renew their philosophy for the future. This allegory describes what happens as some see the world beyond superficiality and others do not.

The allegory pictures an underground cave with its mouth open toward the light of a blazing fire. Within the cave are people chained so that they cannot move. They can see only the cave wall directly in front of them. This is illuminated by the light of the fire, which throws shadows of people and objects onto the wall. The cave dwellers equate the shadows with reality, naming them, talking about them, and even linking sounds from outside the cave with the movements on the wall. Truth and reality for the prisoners rest in this shadowy world, because they have no knowledge of any other.

However, if one of the inhabitants were allowed to leave the cave, he would realize that the shadows are but dark reflections of a more complex reality, and that the knowledge and perceptions of his fellow cave dwellers are distorted and flawed. If he were then to return to the cave, he would never be able to live in the old way, since for him the world would be a very different place.

However, if he were to try and share his new knowledge with them, he would probably be ridiculed for his views. For the cave prisoners, the familiar images of the cave would be much more meaningful than any story about a world they had never seen. Moreover, since the person espousing this new knowledge would now no longer be able to function in the old way, since he would no longer be able to act with conviction in relation to the shadows, his fellow inmates would no doubt view his knowledge as being extremely dangerous. They would probably regard the world outside the cave as a potential source of danger, to be avoided rather than embraced as a source of wisdom and insight. The experience of the person who left the cave could thus actually lead the cave dwellers to tighten their grip on their familiar way of seeing.

The cave stands for the world of appearances and the journey outside stands for the ascent to knowledge. People in everyday life are trapped by illusions, hence the way they understand reality is limited and flawed. By appreciating this, and by making a determined effort to see beyond the superficial, people have an ability to free themselves from imperfect ways of seeing. However, as the allegory suggests, many of us often resist or ridicule efforts at enlightenment, preferring to remain in the dark rather than to risk exposure to a new world and its threat to the old ways.

McCain remains chained in the cave of failed ideas—unable to see a changed world.

Barack Obama—a seeker of knowledge and insight--sees the world through fresh eyes. He has the potential to renew and transform America in today’s new world. Obama, Colin Powell said, has the judgment, intellect, substance, and temperament to be a great president—“he is ready on day one,” said Powell.

Will we remain in the dark comfort of caves we know and decline as a nation or vote for a transformative Obama and the renewal of America?


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